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Brennan Smith Lectures

Brennan and Smith Lectures

The Department of Health and Human Performance invites distinguished scholars to deliver a Brennan and Smith Lecture every year. These lectures address current and important topics in athletic training, exercise and sports science, health education, physical education teacher education, recreation, and personal fitness and wellness education. Funding for this lecture series was generously provided by the estate of Molly Ann Brennan. Mrs. Brennan-Smith was a 1949 physical education graduate of Southwest Texas State who was influential in her service to education and research in the Houston area and Texas State University. She and her husband, Edgar Smith, have made several generous gifts to Texas State including this endowment.

Fall 2023  
Dr. Jeff G. Konin is a Clinical Professor at Florida International University, in Miami, Florida. He has been a leading clinician, educator, and scholar for over 30 years. Dr. Konin has presented on the topic of cannabis to the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers’ Association (PHATS), and to affiliations with Major League Soccer (MLS), Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Basketball Association (NBA) clubs in addition to Division I, II & II Colleges and Universities. Dr. Konin serves as Chair of the National Athletic Trainers Association Cannabis Task Force.

Fall 2022 
Dr. Ronald Jackson holds his PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to receiving his PhD at the University of Pittsburgh, he worked as a staff member at Texas State University and the University of Texas at San Antonio within the kinesiology department. His overall research interests focus on physical activity, sedentary behavior, understanding the effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity, and cardiovascular function. Currently he is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Illinois at Chicago under the mentorship of Dr. Philip Clifford in the Integrative Physiology Laboratory focusing on cardiovascular research. Long term his research goals are centered around examining the health benefits of light-intensity physical activity.

Fall 2019  
Psychologist Dr. Bill Crawford  
In addition to holding a doctorate in psychology from the Univer­sity of Houston, Dr. Crawford is a licensed psychologist, author of eight books, organizational consultant, and speaker. Over the last 30 years, he has created over 3500 presentations for such organizations as Sprint, Shell, The American Medical Association, PBS, and many other organizations and prestigious universities, both nationally and internationally.  In addition, his two PBS specials on stress and communication have been seen by over fifteen million people, and he has been quoted as an expert in such diverse publications as The New York Times, Entrepreneur, Working Mother, The Chicago Tribune, Investor’s Business Daily, The Dallas Morning News, and CBS Market Watch, just to name a few.

Fall 2018 
Dr. Jared Russell (Auburn University) presented several sessions on promoting diversity and inclusion in graduate and undergraduate programs. 
Dr. Russell is nationally known for his scholarship and outreach efforts focusing on issues of diversity in higher education, graduate student socialization, and developing models for outreach efforts to improve the wellness of traditionally under-served populations. Dr. Russell has served as Director of Student Development in the College of Education and Presidential Fellow.

Spring 2017 
Dr. Diane Boyd (Director, Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at Auburn University) lead faculty from several departments in several sessions on course redesign to promote active learning using specifically designed classrooms. Dr. Boyd is nationally known for her scholarship on teaching and learning that focus on course re-design for significant learning, increasing learner motivation, and threshold concepts in learning.

Fall 2016  
Carrie Ekins (University of Chemnitz, Germany) presented “Drums Alive® Holistic Research Initiative” on Wednesday November 16th 2016. She has received international acclaim for her innovative programs integrating drumming, music, and educational concepts to improve the health of people of all ages and abilities.

Spring 2016 
Dr. Russell Carson (University of Northern Colorado) presented “Active Kids do Better: Educating Healthier Generations through Schoolwide Physical Activity” on February 25th 2016. Dr. Carson nationally-known for his leadership in the promotion of comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAPs) and the training of teachers as leaders of school-wide physical activity.

Fall 2015 
Dr. Rebecca Lee (Professor of Nursing and Health Innovation at Arizona State University) presented “Sustaining Health in an Obesogenic Environment: Lessons Learned for Research, Policy, and Practice” on October 13th at the Alkek Teaching Theater.  Dr. Lee is a community health psychologist specializing in research with populations of color using innovative strategies and technology to improve neighborhood environments.

Spring 2015 
Dr. Brian Hainline ( NCAA Medical  Director and Sport Science Institute) presented “Mind, Body, and Sport”. Dr. Hainline is clinical professor of neurology and an is internationally-known for the development of sports medicine and safety standards in sports. He also spoke to athletic training students, as well as administrators in the university and athletics.

Fall 2014 
Dr. Carmen Russoniello (Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies, East Carolina University) presented “Re-Engineering the Recreation Profession“ to a capacity crowd at Alkek Teaching Theater. Dr. Russoniello is a recognized scholar on the psychophysiology of therapeutic recreation treatments, especially in service to veterans dealing with PTSD.

Spring 2014 
Dr. Bill Kraemer,Professor of Kinesiology, Medicine, and Physiology University of Connecticut) presented “The Physiology of Resistance Training” to a standing room only crowd. Dr. Kraemer is a renowned scholar in the area of the cellular and functional effects of resistant training and Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. He highlighted how common training variables are influential in moderating the effect of training on performance and muscle health.

Fall 2013 
Dr. Howell Wechsler (CEO of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation) presented “Chasing the Holy Grail for Obesity Prevention: Strategies for Lasting, Powerful Changes in the Environments that Shape the Health of Children" to over 400 in the LBJ Ballroom. Dr. Wechsler is an expert on building collaborative initiatives to address the epidemic of childhood obesity. He highlighted the importance of systematic environmental changes to prevent obesity and 10 key strategies recently found to be effective in reducing obesity rates in several states.

Spring 2013 
Dr. Harold (Bill) Kohl (University of Texas Health Science Center Houston & Department of Health and Kinesiology, Austin ) presented “The Physical Inactivity Pandemic- An Urgent, Global Public Health Priority” to a standing room only crowd in LBJ Student Center. Dr. Kohl will present a lecture entitled “All are invited to the lecture and reception to follow. Dr. Kohl is a world-renowned scholar on the epidemiology of the effects of physical activity on public health. He is the founding president of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health and is a fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology.

Fall 2012 
Dr. Maureen Weiss (University of Minnesota) presented the Fall 2012 Brennan and Smith Lecture entitled “Positive Youth Development through Physical Activity: Promoting Social, Psychological and Behavioral Competencies“ to an overflow crowd at the Alkek Theater. Dr. Weiss is a world-renowned expert in the psychology of sport and physical activity, particularly how structured sport and physical education programs contribute to social and psychological development of young people. She presented a model of youth development and elements of programs that have been shown by prospective studies to positively influence the development of children.

Spring 2012 
Dr. Kevin Guskiewicz (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and MacArthur Fellow) presented the Spring 2012 Brennan and Smith lecture entitled“The Science and Technology of Sport Concussion: Translating Clinical Research into Concussion Prevention and Management.”Over 600 attendees learned about the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sports-related concussions. The MacArthur Fellow or genius award recognizes extraordinary excellence and future potential in research and creative activity with an unrestricted award of a half a million dollars. The event was organized and hosted by Athletic Training faculty and students.

Fall 2011 
Dr. Myron Floyd (North Carolina State University) presented the Fall 2011 Brennan and Smith Lecture entitled: Advancing Social Justice in Health Promotion: "Realizing the Potential of Parks and Open Space". Over 380 students, faculty, and community members crammed the Alkek Teaching Theater to hear his lecture. Dr. Floyd examined how the provision of parks and open space contribute to public health through opportunities for physical activity and psychological restoration, as well as explored how expanded access to parks and open space can further social justice goals in health promotion.

Spring 2011 
Dr. Russ Pate (University of South Carolina) presented the Spring 2011 Brennan and Smith entitled: "Policies to Promote Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents". A standing room only crowd of students, faculty, and community members attended. Dr. Pated pointed toward an optimist future where collaboration of a variety of health professionals, with physical education playing a key role, addressing the hypokinetic diseases threatening young people in America.

Fall 2010 
Dr. Susan Tortolero (University of Texas School of Public Health In Houston) presented the Fall 2010 Brennan and Smith Lecture entitled: "The Power of Prevention: What Doesn’t Happen to Improve Teen Health”. Over 300 faculty, students, and community members attended and learned about the financial and social costs of teen pregnancy in Texas and evidence-based educational programs that can be used to reduce these problems.