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Texas State And Huston Tillotson Partner To Streamline Path To M S In Exercise Science Degree

Texas State University has entered an historic agreement with Huston-Tillotson University that creates a direct pathway for undergraduates to the master of science in exercise science program.  The M.S. in exercise science is the fifth highest enrolled master’s degree at Texas State.

This agreement with  the Department of Health and Human Performance (HHP) aligns with Huston-Tillotson’s strategic initiatives of ensuring continuous improvement of academic programs, curriculum, and student services; and building a student development pipeline through partnerships with colleges and local organizations. For the Department of Kinesiology at Huston-Tillotson, this is part of their mission to prepare students for careers and to provide a seamless transition to graduate school.    

“This partnership demonstrates how two great universities working together can expand opportunities and support for our students within the context of a shared community,” said Michael O’Malley, dean of the College of Education. “Given the recognized excellence of Huston-Tillotson’s kinesiology degree program, we’re excited about the strengths that graduate students entering through this partnership will bring to us at Texas State.”

Qualified Huston-Tillotson graduates who have identified health and rehabilitation sciences, physical activity literacy, strength and conditioning, and sport coaching as a career choice will be eligible to receive early acceptance into the Texas State Exercise Science Graduate program.

Faculty leads in establishing this partnership are Carlos Cervantes, chair of the Department of Kinesiology at Huston-Tillotson, and Ting Liu, graduate advisor for Exercise Science at Texas State.