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Comprehensive Exam

Comprehensive Exam

Flow Chart with Tasks and Dates – Spring 2024 

The comprehensive take-home exam is an independent, individual assignment where students will apply scholarly principles from at least two subdisciplines within ESS for practical use. The final product should demonstrate the student’s mastery of content in two subdisciplines and inform practitioners or organizations regarding the efficacy of a set of strategies, lessons, or a program. Examples include creating an innovative program related to exercise and sports science (e.g., training or fitness program, rehabilitation program), creating a series of teaching lessons for a specific group of students, conducting a program evaluation, creating a website to inform practitioners on a topic related to exercise and sports science, or writing a paper that incorporates practical recommendations based on literature in the field.

Students who choose this option will complete the exam during their final semester of graduate school. Students must complete the Comprehensive Exam Application and submit the form to the Graduate Coordinator by the date indicated on the flow chart.


Forms for the comprehensive take-home exam must be turned in to the Graduate Coordinator by the date indicated below (see Flow Chart) of the semester the student is planning to graduate. On the form, each student will state their top 4 subdisciplines or content areas that most apply to their future career. The graduate coordinator will assign each student to two faculty members based on their interest areas and availability of faculty. At this point, the student can request to meet with the lead faculty if they have any questions. The lead faculty member will work with the second faculty member to create the exam. The lead faculty will e-mail instructions to the student outlining the exam requirements. Then the student will work individually to complete the exam. The student should not solicit help from other students, faculty, or artificial intelligence applications (AI) regarding the exam.

The student will have approximately 4 weeks to complete the exam; the due date will be determined by the faculty supervisor. The student will turn in their exam to both faculty members on the due date. The lead faculty will send combined feedback within two weeks with any areas needing improvement (e.g., literature support, clarity, expansion of application). The student may need to submit revisions prior to the oral defense. The student may also need to provide written revisions after the oral defense incorporating feedback received prior to and at the oral defense. The oral defense format (chosen by the faculty) could consist of a question-and-answer session, or a concise presentation followed by questions. Faculty may recommend "pass" or "not yet passed" (minor or major revisions) at the end of the oral defense. If the final paper/product and/or oral defense do not meet requirements (80% is passing), graduation may be delayed until the appropriate work is completed.


The exam will include topics from at least two subdisciplines within ESS. Two graduate faculty members familiar with those topics will supervise and grade the exam. One faculty member will be the exam supervisor and will take the lead on meetings, content, and procedures. The exam format may consist of one or more of the following, chosen by the faculty supervisor: writing a paper that incorporates practical recommendations based on literature in the field, creating an innovative program related to exercise and sports science (e.g., training or fitness program, rehabilitation program), creating a series of teaching lessons for a specific group of students, or conducting a program evaluation. Students must incorporate and cite scholarly references from at least two academic subdisciplines within ESS (e.g., exercise physiology, clinical exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor learning, psychosocial aspects of ESS, pedagogy, fitness assessment and exercise prescription, strength and conditioning, or methodology). 

This is an individual exam; all work should be the result of the student’s individual thinking and writing. Academic honesty is expected. A signed honor pledge will accompany the student’s exam.

Comprehensive Exam

Flow Chart with Tasks and Dates – Spring 2024 

Flow chart